1612   Samuel Butler was baptized at Strensham, on Feb. 8, 1612.

1662   The First part of Hudibras was apparently on sale by the end of 1662, was

1663    - The First part of Hudibras was published

            - The authentic Second part of Hudibras was published

1671    The ode “To the Happy memory of the Most Renowned Du Val”

1674  The two parts , plus “The Heroical Epistle of Hudibras to Sidrophel” were reprinted

1676    “The Elephant in  the Moon”

1677     Charles II, who delighted in the poem, issued an injunction to protect Butler’s rights
            against piratical printers

1678     A Third Part of Hudibras (and last) part was published

1680    Samuel Butler died on Sept. 25

1759    “Genuine Remains in Verse and Prose of Mr. Samuel Butler”  in two volumes, was
            edited by Robert Thyer from Butler’s papers.

1973    “Hudibras, Parts I and II, and Selected Other Writings”  edited by John Wilders
            and Hugh De Quehen

1978      “Prose Obsrvations” edited by Hugh De Quehen

          © copyright.
