I found that the characters of this work have a very important role within the content of the text. They give us clues as to how the story is built. They are rarely described, so in order to deeply know them  I created my own notes. I also decided to relate / connect them so to be able to retain a record of what I was reading.

Darren Jakobsen and Janine


·        Live in Airy Heights

·        Darren is Victoria´s landlord

·        He is a member of the Pro-Life group at church

·        Janine is Victoria´s supervisor

·        They planned a holiday in New Zealand rainforest

·        They die after having dinner in the jacuzzi


Robert Sullivan


·        Lives in Airy Heights

·        Robert is a Claims Investigator for an HMO, his clients are Jerry Aramount and Victoria Washington

·        Robert has a daughter of six, Anne

·        Robert´s wife is Gladys. She is an alcoholic

·        Anne spends her time after school in a day care center

·        He reported a suspicious Asian man in his neighbourhood

·        Robert dies of food poisoning


Ward Callahan and Ward Callahan Jr


·        Ward is an executive at Parker Brothers

·        He is friends of Darren from the Pro-Life group at church

·        He likes Tom Clancy, Nazi memorabilia and vintage cars

·        Closed a factory in Midland to operate in Silam´s factory in Seoul

·        Ward Jr is a Risk Manager at Procker & Gamble, a research center

·        They are both members of the Pro-Life group at church

·        Ward Jr is attacked by a racoon


Silam Paley


·        Produces board games in Korea for the American market

·        He likes Tom Clancy, Nazi memorabilia and vintage cars

·        He is an army friend of Darren

·        He has health problems, he feels tired and forgetful


Victoria Washington


·        She is an African – American woman

·        She works in a lab, in Procter & Gamble

·        Her supervisor at the research center is Janine, and her Risk Manager is Ward Callahan Jr

·        Her daughter is at a day care center while she is at work

·        Her son is a history major at Cincinnati University and shares a room with Young Li Jr

·        She is evicted by her landlord, Darren Jakobsen


Young Li Jr


·        Young Li Jr studies Computer Science at Cincinnati University

·        His father is a Korean business man that just bought a stretch of land in New Zealand rainforest

·        He is roommate with Victoria´s son

·        He had a part-time job at Procter & Gamble

·        He is arrested in Airy Heights


Jerry & Sally Aramount


·        Jerry has a tombstone engraving business

·        Sally works in a day care center

·        Jerry needs a liver transplant to be paid by his insurance policy

·        Sally takes care of Anne, Robert´s daughter, when he dies






SUMMARY                  SPATIAL ANALYSIS          BACKGROUND                  CONCLUSION           WORKS CITED










Academic year 2008/2009

© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López

©Ana Ruth Contreras Fernández

Universitat de València Press