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Second paper: RUTH NESTVOLD



Subject: 14214 Narrativa Inglesa desde el S.XVIII Grup A

Student’s name: Aparisi Escrihuela, Alicia

Title of the paper: Joe's heartbeat in Budapest

Author or topic: Ruth Nestvold

Abstract: I’m going to work on the hypertext “Joe’s heartbeat in Budapest” written by Ruth Nestvold, an American Science fiction and Fantasy writer residing in Germany. My analysis consists of an introduction where I explain the concept of hypertext and the points that my research consists of. There is also a brief introduction to the author’s life including some publications. Moreover, I have put links where you can find some information about her and the hypertext. I have focused my work on the aspect of space. I have added too a description of characters. To finish my analysis I will write a conclusion with additional information.

Auto-evaluation: I have worked very hard on this second paper, analysing the space aspects and other points. I Consider I deserve a good grade like an 8.



Academic year 2008/2009
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© Alicia Aparisi Escrihuela
Universitat de Valčncia Press