Student: Asier Escrivà Gonzàlez (aesgon@alumnii.uv.es)

Suject: English Theatre From The XIX & XX Centuries

Teacher: Vicente Forés

Course: Filología Inglesa I

William Shakespeare, Richard III (adapted by Chema Cardeña)

Directed by Chema Cardeña

Juan Carlos Garés as “Richard”

Amparo Vayá as “Reina Elisabeth”

Carol Linuesa as “Buckingham”

Vicente Pastor as “Ratcliff”

Esther López as “Lady Anne”

Ismael Carretero as “Clarence/Richmond”

Chema Cerdeña as “Hastings”

Laura Useleti as “Reina Margaret”

Alfonso Tadeo as “Regidor en Escena”

L’Altre Espai, Jueves 3 de Noviembre de 2005

In this play, there are many characters, but the most important of them are Richard, Ratcliff, Queen Elisabeth and Buckingham. The principal character is Richard of Gloucester, he is middle-aged, he is deformed and bad-looking and he has a strong loud voice; Richard is a hateful person who has looked how his brothers have become very important people in their society, and he decides to begin a campaign to get the throne of England where he will pursuit and murder all the obstacles he find with the help of his alliances and treasons, speacially with Ratcliff and Buckingham; Ratcliff is a young man, he is well-dressed, not bad-looking, but he is a very sinister man; he is a murderer, he is allied with Richard in his campaign to get his own profit; he will murder Clarence in his bath (and others), and he will be betrayed by people he thought were his allies; Buckingham is a young man too, he is well-dressed and handsome, he has a soft voice that affirms the fact that he is a very charismatic person; he is an aristocratic who follows his own profit making and breaking alliances with many people, specially with Richard; Queen Elisableth is a young girl, she is very well-dressed (she is a queen) and pretty, she has a lovely voice, but she speaks with the agony of knowing the identity of her husband’s murderer (Richard); she is always sad, but she won’t lose the strength to revenge herself on Richard III (she has been engaged to him).

In the play, the stage is always changing: the lights have a lot of importace in this play, they are restrictly distributed around the stage making important visual effects like the ilumination of the principal characters and the soft light of the secondary ones, the horizontal lights of the plato, etc. We enter into a dark world with well-dressed (but very old-fashioned dresses) people, with many illustrative decorations which are appearing and disappearing like a big throne (the throne of England), an enormous cross, the bath of Clarence’s murder with the bloody water, etc.

There are many different scenes (the stage is always changing). We can see some great scenes like the excellent monologues of Richard (the interpretation of Juan Carlos Garés was excellent) about his situation and his plans of future, the scene of the murder of Clarence at his bath, with the most negative reaction from the masculine public, according to the nude body of Clarence (like the moment in “Gestas de Papá Ubú” when Memnón wore a tanga in the battle), with a final dialogue between the assassin (Ratcliff, with the excellent interpretation of Vicente Pastor) and the victim (Clarence), the curse that makes Queen Margaret to “the traitors of England”, or the fantastic dialogues of Buckingham (with the excellent interpretation of Carol Linuesa, who was interpreting a masculin character).

This was a great play, an excellent adaptation of William Shakespeare’s playwright “Richard III”.
