
This Judy Malloy's hypertext shows us a main text, in which every phrase is a different link, which takes us to small texts that complete the story and that in turn, they have other links (that are red lines, because if they will be blue, this will indicate us that we have already seen this link) that contain other texts that also complement the story to be able to understand it in its entirety. Loveone is an extensive work, that contains 129 pages, and this can be a disadvantage for the readers, because it is possible to feel disoriented or lost while you try to read it, to figure out the main plot of the story , or to find the end.

The text is written as if it contains the pages from a diary, in this case the Gweneth’s diary, the protagonist of the story. There are different coloured pages, like black, white, blue, green or red backgrounds. However, it seems a defragmented text without any type of cohesion, because it contains a lot of links that follow another one, without any kind of order. At the end of Loveone there is a page that only says "reset" so that if you click on it, you reach other different texts written by Judy Malloy.


Loveone is about a love relation between Gweneth and Gunter. The story tells us about their life in many situations, their travels, friends, their work, their studies and their physical and mental emotions. And it also tells us, the life of the protagonist, her family and some past experiences. Moreover, the information technologies, computers, Internet... play an important role in the text, because Gunter is a hacker.

On the other hand, it is quite difficult to know what treats each text, because all texts are continuations of others and they are intertwined, and so, as I have said before, Loveone only makes sense in the whole of all its pages with all its links.


So, having read the text in its entirety, I'm going to do an analysis of the space where the actions of Loveone take place, that is an issue that can be develop in many ways, because of the protagonist travels a lot and there are a lot of different places in this hypertext.