Subject: # 14214 Narrativa Inglesa desde el Siglo XVIII Grupo C   

Student´s name: Esteve González, Ana

Title of the paper: “Biography and Chronology about J.K Rowling”

Author or topic: Rowling, J.K.

Abstract: The paper is about J.K Rowling, a famous writer known for her Harry Potter books. I have chosen this author, because from my point of view, she has had a humble life and it has not been a problem to become one of the most prestigious writers, known all over the world, who possesses an important fortune, earned with the books that she has published and their cinematographic adaptations. I am going to deal with two important issues: the biography and the chronology; in order to achieve this goal, I am going to search through the web pages available in the Internet, as most information as possible about her, and then I am going to do a summary, a compilation of the text which has the best information about the issues that I am going to develop.

Auto-evaluation: I evaluate my work with a “Notable 7 or 8” because I have worked a lot to learn how to do the web page and I think that I have made an important effort because I had no idea about creating webs or anything like this, but now that I know it, I think that it is a useful tool that can help me in other subjects or improve my knowledge too. However, I have had some difficulties to find more chronologies, because there are a lot of pages but they are useless, (they do not give us proper information or you have to pay to obtain it) so, I don’t have a lot of them, although I hope that the first paper will be better this second time.

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Academic year 2008/2009
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© Ana Esteve González
Universitat de València Press