Subject : # 14214 Narrativa Anglesa des del S. XVIII Grupo A
Student´s name : Albalat
Mascarell, Ana
Title of the paper : "Biography and Chronology"
Author or topic : Stevenson, Robert Louis
(Image from
Abstract : This paper consists of two parts, both corresponding to the most
essential aspects – namely biography and chronology
– in the study of the life of the well-known 19th century Scottish
author Robert Louis Stevenson
(1850-1894). The first part “Biography”
presents a collection of seven different biographies of this writer, whereas
the second part “Chronology” contains a selection of three
analyses of Stevenson’s life from the chronological
point of view. I hope that this paper will be of interest to anyone who wishes
to reach some understanding of the fascinating life of this popular English-speaking
novelist, who indeed occupies a 25th position in the Index Translationum list of
the most translated authors in the world.
Auto-evaluation: To start with, I have
worked very hard in the selection of the most suitable web pages for research,
given the huge amount of information on Stevenson available on the Internet. In order to choose a
particular web site and reject another, I have taken into account such aspects
as the authorship of the page, the reliability and/or originality of its
contents, the educational (non-commercial) purpose of the site, etc. On the
other hand, I have also devoted a lot of time and effort to the design and
internal cohesion of my own web page, trying to make it as attractive and
easy-to-use as possible.
For all these reasons, I think that my mark may
be 8 or 9.
Academic year 2008/2009
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© Ana Albalat Mascarell
Universitat de Valčncia Press