Subject : # 14214 Narrativa Anglesa des del S. XVIII Grupo A

Student´s name : Albalat Mascarell, Ana


Title of the paper : “Analysis of the hypertext Considering a baby?


Author or topic : Eisen, Adrienne (1966-)



(Image from


Abstract : This paper is intended to provide a more or less detailed description of Considering a baby? – a fiction work of online hypertext written by the American hypertext star Adrienne Eisen (1966) whose major work of online hypertext literature is Six Sex Scenes – from the perspective of the rhetorical tools used in electronic literature. It is divided into five sections – a useful introduction to the analysis of the above-mentioned hypertext (with some biographical information on the author that can be of interest), the analysis of the piece from the perspective of tools (which in turn consists of two parts, one corresponding to the traditional linguistic tools that can be found in any work of literature and the other devoted to the new electronic tools used in hypertext fiction), a conclusion which expresses my own personal opinions about the work analysed, and a list of the references used in the paper.  I think that the end result is very good and so I hope to get a good grade.



Auto-evaluation: 8

Academic year 2008/2009
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© Ana Albalat Mascarell
Universitat de Valčncia Press