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¿Cuales son las definiciones más corrientes para los siguientes conceptos?
Documenta tus definiciones con los correspondientes URL's.

1) hypertext

     Ted Nelson was the first person using the word "hypertext" in 1981. It refers to a new form of understanding a text, where the reader participates more in decisions that, before, were only in the author`s hands. Furthermore, it is a group of texts connected among them and with the possibility for the reader to choose an itinerary to read or other things as to make bigger the letters.


                                          "the reader must also make 
additional decisions about how to move through the text: either
selecting words of particular interest or using the directional buttons lining 
the bottom of the screen that allow the reader to move through the text
(left or right, up or down, backward or forward) as it has been mapped out.",Douglas/C&C%206(3)%20Yellowlees%20Douglas

2) link

     Usually the blue underlined text that makes the cursor from the mouse change shape on a web page. If you click on that text, it will take you to another site or page. We could find three main types of links:
-Links that take us to other places on the same page.
-Links that take us to other site 
-Links that take us to another page on the our site.

3) lexia

     "nodes, or lexia (both terms referring to blocks of text)"

     "El hipertexto se compone de múltiples fragmentos o "páginas-pantallas", que llamaremos "lexias" (utilizando el término propuesto por Barthes). Una lexia puede ser un trozo de texto pero, dada la capacidad multimedial de las aplicaciones computacionales de hoy, también puede ser un conjunto compuesto de texto, imagen (fija o video) y sonido, tal como se puede observar en las páginas de la World Wide Web."

4) node

     "Un nodo es un sistema que permite conectar dispositivos wireless a la red de alcalawireless, además de proveer otros servicios."

     "In electronic instances, nodes are often thought of as being small enough to fit on one computer screen. Node can be as small as one word or huge till occupy multiple pages."

5) interactivity
     "Interactividad es la capacidad del receptor para controlar un mensaje no-lineal hasta el grado establecido por el emisor, dentro de los límites del medio de comunicación asincrónico"

     "interactivity can lead one person to follow many different paths in order to answer the one question. It can also mean that two readers will follow different links from the same source document, as their own requirements are completely separate."

No más de 100 palabras o un máximo de 3 URL's por pregunta.