Soot loves Sand, we are told. We see him as a devoted and frustrated lover. But we are never really told that Sand loves Soot.
We learn throughout the course of our reading that the things they thought separated them probably do not, that each partakes of some of what we assume "goes with" the other, that they can exchange roles, languages, colors.Sand is demeaned if considered information-per-se. Not simply because she has a physical substrate manufactured by, say, Intel. Sand itself, not exactly solid, liquid or gaseous, has the particular properties of granularity beautifully explored by Sisyphus, wondrously associated with time, in a Sisyphus-drawing, an hourglass&emdash;or a system clock. Sand is border-like, seashore-like, it invites us to play and to build.
It beckons, but is it "really" stony or "really" fecund, sexual, virtually sexual? For one answer choose Ana Voog on the Contributors page.
Sand as meta-medium, the digital medium into which everything else can be poured or translated, sound, image, touch, data, has its own Protean or Circean character; a hyperspace, a cave, in which any world can present itself and be lived.
There is a kind of process of interpenetration, or perhaps learning, that goes on between Sand and Soot, yet they are strongly contrasted to the end. Does Sand love Soot? Stay tuned.
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Academic year 2001/2002
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© María Ull López. © Natalia Vico Blesa
Universitat de València Press