The Absurdity of Samuel Beckett



  • Beckett, Samuel. The Complete Dramatic Works. London: Faber and Faber, 1986. 
  • Beckett, Samuel. Endgame. Complete 89-134. 
  • Beckett, Samuel. Happy Days. Complete 135-168. 
  • Beckett, Samuel. Krapp's Last Tape. Complete 213-223. 
  • Beckett, Samuel. Waiting for Godot. Complete 9-88. 
  • Samuel Beckett. Dir. Sean O Mordha. ed. Martin Duffy, Ben Yeats, O Mordha Production, 1992. 16mm, 92 min. 
  • Beckett, Samuel. I Can't Go On, I'll Go On: A Selection from Samuel Beckett's Work. Ed. Richard Seaver. New York: Grove, 1976. 
  • Camus, Albert. The Myth of Sisyphus and Other Essays. Trans. Justin O'Brien. New York: Vintage Books, 1961. 
  • Coe, Richard N. Beckett. Glasgow: Oliver and Boyd, 1964. 
  • Cohn, Ruby, ed. Casebook on Waiting for Godot: The Impact of Beckett's Modern Classic: Reviews, Reflections, and Interpretations. New York: Grove Press, 1967. 
  • Collinson, Diane. Fifty Major Philosophers: A Reference Guide. London: Routledge, 1997 
  • Esslin, Martin. The Theatre of the Absurd. London: Penguin Books, 1986. 
  • Kinsela, Thomas, ed. and. trans. The New Oxford Book of Irish Verse. New York: Oxford University P, 1989. 
  • Major, Ladislav. Mysleni o divadle. 2 vols. Praha [Prague]: Herrmann, 1993. 
  • Nietzsche, Friedrich. Filosofie v tragickem obdobi Reku. Trans. Jan Brezina and Jiri Horak. Olomouc: Rektorat UP, 1992. 
  • Nietzsche, Friedrich. Tak pravil Zarathustra. Trans. Otokar Fischer. Olomouc: Votobia, 1992. 
  • Riley, Carolyn, Harte Barbara, eds. Contemporary Literary Criticism: Excerpts from Criticism of the Works of Today's Novelists, Poets, Playwrights and Other Creative Writers. 99 vols. to date. Detroit: Book Tower, 1973- 
  • Schopenhauer, Arthur. Svet jako vule a predstava. Trans. Jan Dvorak. Ed. Thomas Mann. Olomouc: Votobia, 1993. 
  • Uchman, Jadwiga. The Problem of Time in the Plays of Samuel Beckett. Lodz: Wzdawnictwo Uniwersytetu, 1987. 
  • Weintranb, Stanley, gen. ed. Dictionary of Literary Biography. 108 vols. Detroit: A Bruccoli, 1982 
  • Innes, Christopher. Modern British Drama 1890-1990. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1992.

By Eva Navratilova

-Michael Sinclair

© 1995-6 Roger C Schonfeld

-By Roger C Schonfeld


-Dong-Ho Sohn, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, Korea.


  1. Samuel Beckett, "Four Poems: Dieppe", The New Oxford Book of Irish Verse, ed. and trans. Thomas Kinsela (New York: Oxford University P, 1989) 337-338. 
  2. Richard Seaver, introduction, I Can't Go On, I'll Go On: A Selection from Samuel Beckett's Work. by Samuel Beckett, ed. Richard Seaver, (New York: Grove, 1976) ix. 
  3. Samuel Beckett, dir. Sean O Mordha, ed. Martin Duffy, Ben Yeats, O Mordha Production, 1992. 
  4. Stanley Weintranb, gen. ed., British Dramatists Since World War II: Dictionary Of Literary Biography, vol. 13, part 1: A-L (Detroit: A Bruccoli, 1982) 18. 
  5. Israel Shenker, interview with Samuel Beckett, The New York Times, New York, 6 May, 1956., qtd in Richard Seaver, introduction, I Can't Go On I'll Go On, by Samuel Beckett, ed. Richard Seaver (New York: Grove, 1976) xxii. 
  6. Weintranb 25. 
  7. Weintranb 25. 
  8. Weintranb 33. 
  9. Samuel Beckett, dir. Sean O Mordha, ed. Martin Duffy, Ben Yeats, O Mordha Production, 1992. 
  10. Friedrich Nietzsche, Tak pravil Zarathustra, trans. Otokar Fischer, (Olomouc: Votobia, 1992) 9. /translation mine/ 
  11. Martin Esslin, The Theatre of the Absurd (London: Penguin Books, 1986) 23. 
  12. see Albert Camus, The Myth of Sisyphus and Other Essays, trans. Justin O'Brien, (New York: Vintage Books, 1961) 21-24. 
  13. Camus 38. 
  14. see Diane Collinson, Fifty Major Philosophers: A Reference Guide (London: Routledge, 1997) 57-60. 
  15. Camus 10. 
  16. Camus 90. 
  17. Camus 4. 
  18. see Camus 3-8. 
  19. Camus 88. 
  20. Camus 89. 
  21. see Collinson 58. 
  22. Collinson 57. 
  23. Carolyn Riley and Barbara Harte, eds., Contemporary Literary Criticism: Excerpts from Criticism of the Works of Today's Novelists, Poets, Playwrights and Other Creative Writers, vol. 1 (Detroit: Book Tower, 1973- ) 20. 
  24. Camus 11. 
  25. see Collins 100-103. 
  26. see Collins 100-103. 
  27. see Arthur Schopenhauer, Svet jako vule a predstava. trans. Jan Dvorak, ed. Thomas Mann (Olomouc: Votobia, 1993). 
  28. Collins 103. 
  29. see Camus 33. 
  30. see Schopenhauer 19. 
  31. see Friedrich Nietzsche, Filosofie v tragickem obdobi Reku, trans. Jan Brezina and Jiri Horak, (Olomouc: Rektorat UP, 1992) 46-52. 
  32. Nietzsche Filosofie 47. /translation mine/ 
  33. Ruby Cohn, ed., Casebook on Waiting for Godot: The Impact of Beckett's Modern Classic: Reviews, Reflections, and interpretations. (New York: Grove Press, 1967) 89-90. 
  34. Cohn 44. 
  35. Cohn 90. 
  36. Jadwiga Uchman, The Problem of Time in the Plays of Samuel Beckett. (Lodz: Wzdawnictwo Uniwersytetu, 1987) 95. 
  37. Esslin 50. 
  38. Cohn 185. 
  39. Esslin 402. 
  40. Esslin 21. 
  41. Ladislav Major, Mysleni o divadle, vol. 1 (Praha [Prague]: Herrmann, 1993) 161. /translation mine/ M
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