Subject :  # 14214 Narrativa inglesa desde el siglo XVIII - Grupo B
Student´s name :
Llorca Iturriaga, Ángela


Title of the paper : "My first possible, I hope, mission"

Author or topic :  Fleming, Ian (1908, London-1964, Canterbury)

Abstract : In my first paper, I’m going to deal with Ian Lancaster Fleming, the British author most known for creating the adventures of  James Bond. My task will consist in the following points: Articles about the author, books about the author and links. In “Articles about the author” I have done a very brief summary of each of the twenty nine articles I lead you to.. In “Books about the author” I guide you to all the information about Ian Fleming´s books, and also about all the James Bond´s books, that aren´t written by Ian Fleming. In “links” I introduce you to every single link I have found online about this amazing author. You can also have access to all these information from my index.



Auto-evaluation: As it was the first time I created a webpage and I tried my best, I believe that my auto-evaluation can be a B (Notable).







Academic year 2008/2009
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© Llorca Iturriaga, Ángela
Universitat de València Press