Adolfo Plasencia videorecording Anna Marí and Dr. Vicente Forés
On April 23 2003 professor Dr.Vicente Forés , and his postgraduate students from the Universitat de València and the director and actor Rafa Cruz read out Shakespeare's sonnets in Spanish and Cervantes' sonnets in English at the Off-Valencia . This event took place in the context of the cultural exchange project carried out by the Universitat Politècnica de València and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology of Boston and the University of Texas at Austin, in which the University of Cambridge also participated (see mitupv.mit.edu ).
We recorded the performance on video in order to show it to our colleagues from the other universities. Moreover, during the performance, those who were not on stage were connected to the chatroom in real time at mitupv.mit.edu . There we reported online about the recital to students and professors from Boston and Austin, who were interested in the performance.
LauraLaura Monrós, Rafa Cruz and Dr. Forés
April 23th has been established as the World Book Day. The Catalan tradition of handing a rose and a book as a present on that day is spreading in València. Therefore, we accompanied the sonnets with roses that we offered to the audience.
Ryan Ryan Pipkin, Juan Perez, Laura Monrós and Adolfo Plasencia
Once the performance ended, we spent a while in the chatroom discussing the experience.
Finally, we all went to a bar to celebrate!