Intented summary…

I initially intended to summarize the book and talk about it's plot. But after being corrected by Mr.Forés in my objectives (he told me that my webpage should basically be a useful way for other people to know what I know about Cyberpunk without having to go to the bother that I went to to learn all this information, so I select the information in the first place, I give my opinion about it and then publish it so you can have access to the websites I visited initially). But there are many places where you can check out summarized versions and basic (not very witty I'm afraid) comments on the book, here I will include some of them with a basic comment after each of them so you can decide the one that interests you most…

This is a study guide where you can find description of various words and also questions related to the plot. It won't be of any use if you haven't read the novel in the first place I'm afraid, but it's a good help if you have (or you are familiar with the plot) and want to know a bit more about his great novel.

Here you can find some weird essays, don't trust the design because some of the contents are very well written. It tells you about metaphors, symbols and about the plot. Also it has a section about themes and you can link onto other websites through the index main page.

Here are a couple of short reviews in case you would like to check out some opinions and comments on the novel…

I would like to leave a separate section for this page…

It includes amazing and very revealing comments on the book, and specially other comments on other books by Gibson. It's very easy to read (though it requires a good level of English and a good knowledge of many of the basic points related to Cyberpunk culture and to the author himself). This would be an essay I would recommend if you have already visited the rest of my webpage and you are still thirsty for more knowledge. Enjoy…

Do you want to read the book without reading the book? How is this possible you will ask me… well, with the correct study guide you can understand just about all the topics and happenings in a book without reading it, but it has to be a very thorough and special Study Guide, and it is very difficult to find one. However, I was lucky (though it was a tough search I must admit) to find the link I will include here, which will (I am sure) be a great aid for those of you who wish to know everything that happens in this book without having to buy it or read the full version… Lucky you!

After all these links talking about the book, I'll tell you a bit about it myself. The book is basically about Case and Molly, man and woman respectively. Case is a drug addict, addicted also to Cyberspace, while Molly is some kind of ninja hunter of information (important to know the great value of information in this situation). Case is basically the "technocolonization of the body" as baptized by Mark Derry

who also mentions very interesting ideas like the importance of understanding the success in achieving power by the Japanese company holdings, and their relationship with AIs in the book. Both Wintermute and Neuromancer are examples of the importance of reaching power, and they are both searching for unity, which is also an important principle of modern economy; if you can't beat your enemy, either buy him or unite with him. And that is also basically the principle that governs the reality of modern mega-companies nowadays.