James Joyce is one of the most important writers in the English Narrative. His most famous book, Ulysses, is thought to be the most important novel written in English. However, his books were banned for a long time not only in Ireland but in Britain and America.
His books can be very difficult to read and understand because of the language used, the amount of pages, or the exaustive descriptions but if you go through them, you will find them really good
Joyce was also a very nationalistic Irish person although he was out of his country for a long period of his life, as we can see on his writings. He was also very revolutionary, and he led a group of nationalistic Irish people.
I personally like this kind of love for his country, I have been there and I fell in love too.
In this page you can find, apart from some information about the author, some words about this Irish nationalism and some pictures of Dublin that I liked.
© Adel Rojo Llamazares
Universitat de València press
Created 21/01/2000