First Paper
Student´s name: Ana Mª Sabatell Celdrán
Title of the paper: Feminism : a current movement.
Author or topic: Feminism : Mary Wollstonecraft & Charlotte Brontë
Abstract or summary of the
research in not more than 100 to max.150 words:
This project will deal
about the feminist movement, from Mary Wollstonecraft, who challenged the
idea that women exist
only to please men (the dominant
idea then), and proposed that women receive the same opportunities as men
education, work and politics.
Also, the evolution of this movement in the 19th century with Charlotte
Brontë and her novel
Jane Eyre.
Autoevaluation: Notable.
Academic year 1999/2000
16 Noviembre 1999
©a.e.r.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
©Ana Mª Sabatell Celdrán
Universitat de València Press