Subject: 4879.English Literature.
Studentīs name: Ana Isabel Torres Girón.
Title of the paper: Lewis Carroll and childrenīs literature.
Author or topic: Lewis Carroll."Aliceīs in Wonderland".
Abstract or summary of the research in not more than 100 to 150 words:

   In my research I will work about Lewis Carroll and one of his Aliceīs book, "Aliceīs in Wonderland" (1865), which became an inmediate sucess and has since been translated into more than eighty languajes. The equally popular sequel "Trough the Looking Glass" and "What Alice Found There", was published in 1872. With them, children and why not, also the adults can go into the world of imagination and play with the notions of actual and nonsense.

  For all this, Iīve considered it would be interesting doing my web page about L.Carroll. Firstly, Iīll talk about the biography, works of the author and the connection between age, work and author. But, these are only typical and secondary aspects, so my purpose is study L. Carroll within childrenīs literature and his educational role.

  In addition to this and to complete my research Iīll try to include some comments about the author and his works and finally Iīll finish with my personal opinion and the conclusion about my own work.

Auto-evaluation: 8

                                     Academic year 1999/2000
                                     English literature II(4879)
                                      27 Noviembre 1999.
                                    ( c).a.r.e.a./Dr. Vicente Fores López.
                                    (c.) Ana Isabel Torres Girón.
                                    Universidad de Valéncia Préss.

Page maintained by Ana Isabel Torres Girón.
(c.) Ana Isabel Torres Girón.