Interview by HARVEY BREIT
Mr. Waugh has a relish for the writings of Max Beerbohm. "He is it," said Mr. Waugh decisively. He also admires Graham Greene's "The Heart of the Matter" and Elizabeth Bowen's "The Heat of the Day."

 "She's a good writer. So was Virginia Woolf--within her idiosyncrasies--but she was not as inventive as Bowen. Bowen learned a great deal from Woolf, but is a better writer."

 D.H. Lawrence was a bad writer. "Philosophically he was rot," Mr. Waugh said, "and as a craftsman he was frightful." With Lawrence thus pushed to the wall, Mr. Waugh proceeded succinctly to abolish that residual talent the defenders of Lawrence claim for him: namely, his creative psychology. "Psychology--there isn't such a thing as psychology. Like the word slenderizing. There isn't such a word. The whole thing's a fraud."

 American writers? Mr. Waugh thought Thomas Merton ("The Seven-Storey Mountain") and J.F. Powers ("Prince of Darkness") good young writers. "Christopher Isherwood is a good, young American writer," Mr. Waugh said. "I think you can put him down among the American writers."

 "The best American writer, of course," Mr. Waugh said, "is Erle Stanley Gardner. . . . Do I really wish to say that? By all means."

 Just now, Mr. Waugh himself, he says, is on leave. "I'm a very lazy man. My whole life's a vacation, occasionally interrupted by work. Though I suppose I do want to write a novel about the war, it would be a study of the idea of chivalry."

 What he'd like to write, Mr. Waugh confessed, would be a detective story. "Not like Graham Greene, but rather like the story of the Agatha Christie or Erle Stanley Gardner sort, where the clues are given and an actual solution takes place. I admire very much books of pure action."