Bradbury, great novelist, great critic, dies at 68


Sir Malcolm Bradbury, one of the most prolific and influential novelists, critics and academics of his generation, died unexpectedly yesterday at the age of 68.

He had been unwell for some months with breathing difficulties but his illness had not been regarded as serious. News of his death - less than a year after he was knighted in the new year honours list - stunned his friends. He had been moved at the weekend into a hospice near his home at Norwich.

He lived in the area for 30 years and was renowned as founder of the University of East Anglia's creative writing school, which has produced a crop of eminent fellow-novelists including the Booker prize winners Kazuo Ishiguro and Ian McEwan. He was the school's emeritus professor.

Last night his friend, the novelist Rose Tremain, said Sir Malcolm had suffered since last summer from a condition known as cryptogenic organising pneumonia (COP).

He was being treated with steroids. But, Ms Tremain said: "We were all very worried because he seemed to be having a reaction to steroids." His agent Jonathan Begg said: "We thought his illness was being kept under control. It was not expected to come to this. I am very sad. We were all very fond of Malcolm. He was a great novelist, a great literary critic and a favourite author.

"One of the amazing things was to see the way he could work in so many different genres. He had a gift for tying up the strands of his work in a way that made sense. He had such a strong grasp of all the facets of his gift.

"In the last couple of months, when he was really quite ill at home, he was writing away every day: that's what he did in his life - write."

Ian McEwan said last night: "What was superb about him was that his mind was always open, he never became an old fart. He was an ambassador for the British novel and he was marvellous at it.

"The real tragedy is that his latest book is really his major work. It's a real novel of ideas and he was looking forward to going to America to promote it."

Ms Tremain said: "He wore his erudition and his scholarliness with great grace. He had a wonderful sense of humour. He came first at the party and was the last to leave."

David Lodge, novelist and academic, said: "I feel quite an extraordinary sense of loss personally. He was something of an inspiration to me when I was starting out."

Sir Malcolm leaves a widow, Elizabeth, and two sons. His early fame as a writer was as a sharp, disillusioned chronicler first of redbrick universities, then of staff antics on the 1960s "plate-glass" campuses.

He published five novels, the first, Eating People is Wrong, in 1959. The best known is still The History Man (1975), his televised satire about a far-left careerist academic inching towards Thatcherism.

He also adapted eight books for television, including Tom Sharpe’s Porterhouse Blue, and wrote episodes of Inspector Morse and Kavanagh QC.





Published by John Ezard, Jeevan Vasagar and Maev Kennedy

The Guardian, Tuesday November 28 2000 © Guardian News and Media Limited 2008





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