10 Heeders of the Call to Make It New


As Malcolm Bradbury, the English novelist and critic, explains at the outset of ''The Modern World: Ten Great Writers'': he wrote the book to ''keep company with'' a television series of the same title made by the South Bank Show at London Weekend Television, for which he was literary consultant. (The 10-part program is currently being shown here on the Bravo cable network.) Since the book is a companion to a visual portrait of a literary movement, it might seem to hold out dim promise, except as a picture book. But that is not at all the case. Confining his illustrations to photographs of the 10 authors he discusses, Mr. Bradbury - who edited, with James McFarlane, the estimable volume ''Modernism'' in the ''Pelican Guides to European Literature'' - has provided here a concise and lucid introduction to the movement that, beginning in the 1860's and ending with the outbreak of World War II, provided new literary forms for the age and thus helped to transform it.

His technique is simplicity itself. After a brief introduction, called ''Make It New'' after Ezra Pound's famous diktat, he turns to his 10 writers, devoting a chapter to each. Instead of trying to cover their entire careers, he concentrates on one of their representative works - Dostoyevsky's ''Crime and Punishment,'' Ibsen's ''Doll's House,'' Conrad's ''Secret Agent,'' Mann's ''Magic Mountain,'' Proust's ''Remembrance of Things Past,'' Joyce's ''Ulysses,'' Eliot's ''Waste Land,'' Pirandello's ''Six Characters in Search of an Author,'' Woolf's ''Mrs. Dalloway'' and Kafka's ''Trial.'' Through his treatments of these works, he reveals their creators' lives and shows what made them modernists.

Yet it is remarkable what a variety of tasks he accomplishes with this approach. He can concentrate on important details of scene and language, for instance, interpreting the meaning of Hans Castorp's vision in the snow at the climax of ''The Magic Mountain'' and showing how it reflects the political dislocations of the early 20th century; or demonstrating how Dostoyevsky's prose in the murder scene of ''Crime and Punishment'' serves to heighten the impression that Raskolnikov's act is unconscious and automatic.

He can bring up significant biographical facts without making their fictional reflection seem overdetermined - the murder by his serfs of Dostoyevsky's father, for example, or the insanity and hospitalization of Pirandello's wife. It almost goes without saying how these events must have influenced ''The Brothers Karamazov'' and Pirandello's experimental dramas. And Mr. Bradbury can tie such artistic and biographical details to the development of European literature. By describing Ibsen's early plays, for example, he can show how the playwright's development traced such pre-modernist artistic movements as romanticism, realism and naturalism.

Yet for all the book's detail, it's striking to see what Mr. Bradbury's compression of literary history reveals. He can reach back to show how Raskolnikov, in his defiance of human laws, figuratively embodied the Nietzschean mission of the modern artist. He can reach forward to suggest how Pirandello anticipated the theories of role-playing espoused by the sociologist and psychologist Erving Goffman in his 1959 study ''The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life.''

And in between, he reminds us how many major works - ''The Magic Mountain,'' ''Ulysses,'' ''Remembrance of Things Past,'' ''The Waste Land,'' ''The Trial,'' to mention only the most obvious - were either conceived or begun ''in the hopeful experimentalism'' of the period before World War I, and were completed in the disillusioned era that followed it. Few of these insights are original, to be sure, but Mr. Bradbury has done a creative job of integrating them. For any reader who has come to know these works exclusively through their contents, seeing them in such a sweeping historical context will prove enlightening.

Aside from introducing his 10 authors, Mr. Bradbury's main purpose here is of course to show how their work defined literary modernism. His introductory essay sums up what the movement meant, but it is not nearly as useful as the essays that follow. Here again, it is the concrete details that make the author's points hit home, not only by illustrating what specifically was meant by such abstractions as alienation, exile, metropolitanism and artistic self-consciousness, but also in showing why ''The Secret Agent'' was the ancestor of political thrillers, or why ''Ulysses'' was the ''seedbed'' for almost all literary experiment that has come after it, including Woolf's ''Mrs. Dalloway,'' despite its author's disapproval of Joyce's masterpiece.

Mr. Bradbury's elegant book concludes that literary modernism won its battles and defeated its great adversaries, which he sums up as ''the powers of Victorianism, of sure faith, of fundamentalism.'' It was distinctive and successful enough to be followed by yet another movement, ''though whether as its progeny or its adversary the term Postmodernism does not make clear.''

Whether these great figures set examples to be followed or rebelled against, their discoveries and inventions continue to inform contemporary literature. Even if reading their works did not continue to be instructive and exciting, we could ill afford to stop studying them. As ''The Modern World'' suggests, we are just beginning to understand in depth what they have meant to our age.


Published in January 30, 1989
By Christopher Lehmann-Haupt
Copyright 2000 The New York Times Company

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