In Short


In tracing the development of American literature from its beginninggs to the present, Malcolm Bradbury, the English novelist and critic, and Richard Ruland, a professor of English and American literature at Washington University, have made it their aim in "From Puritanism to Postmodernism" "to describe a central thread in the nation's literary conversation with itself" in the midst of "the present din of disputed reassessment." Unfortunately, this conversation, which has been going on for some 300 years, does not seem to lend itself readily to systematic analysis. Indeed, the "central thread" never becomes quite clear. The authors are scrupulously fair to every sort of writer and movement; their range of reference is impressive, and their analyses are often urbane and intelligent. However, no really strong theme emerges, nor do the authors offer much in the way of fresh insight. At times one longs, perhaps unfairly, for a less judicious approach -- for some evidence of partisanship or passion, an indication that the authors care fiercely about a particular writer or idea. But, except in a paean to Herman Melville, the tone of "From Puritanism to Postmodernism" is curiously bland, and its treatment of great writers disappointingly cursory. This book is not so much a history, which implies a cohesive point of view, as a broad survey.

Published in March 15, 1992
By Evelyn Toynton
Copyright 2000 The New York Times Company

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