Bradbury, Sir Malcolm (Stanley)


Bradbury, Sir Malcolm (Stanley) (1932–2000), critic and novelist, born in Sheffield, and educated at the universities of Leicester, London, and Manchester; he held several academic posts, and from 1970 to 1995 he was professor of American studies at the University of East Anglia, where he was instrumental in setting up an influential creative writing course. His critical works include Possibilities: Essays on the State of the Novel (1973), The Modern American Novel (1983, 2nd edn 1992), Ten Great Writers (1989), The Novel Today (rev. edn; 1990), From Puritanism to Postmodernism (1991), and studies of E. Waugh (1962) and Bellow (1982); his approach combined a respect for pluralism with an admiration for the experiments and fictive devices of the American novel and of British writers such as Fowles. His first three novels are satirical campus novels: Eating People is Wrong (1959) is set in a second-rate redbrick provincial university; Stepping Westward (1965) is set in the mid-west of America; and The History Man (1975) is set in the new plate-glass university of Watermouth. Rates of Exchange (1983) is a witty and satiric commentary on cultural exchange. Other novels include Cuts: A Very Short Novel (1987), a satire on Thatcherite Britain, and Dr Criminale (1992).






The Concise Oxford Companion to English Literature

© The Concise Oxford Companion to English Literature 2003, originally published by Oxford University Press 2003




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