­ An advent movie donated by Tawlerance to writing carrier associated with Anger.

­ Inside nice revolutions or circle revolutions taking part at the time, but there was a very strong feeling, a little after it’s a small group of people that perhaps something was beginning to take “fire”.

­ The Playwright by John Osborne looking back in 1970’s, the decade of his greatest fame, the 50’s, whatever the theatrical impact of Osborne’s look back in “anger”, it also had great linguistic influence, the phrases been reworked in numerous places ranging from “erases songs” to the probably “hypocrifal” newspaper headline about a theft from a public library, “lost book in anger”, and Osborne was also partly responsible for another jewellery English expression “The Angry young man”. This was the journalistic term applied to Osborne, Kingsley Amis, John Braine, John Wain, Colin Wilson and other writers who emerged at the time. Humphrey Carpenter has now written the first group biography of these writers. Front Row brought him together with one of the surviving figures from the Index, the writer and poetry critic Al Alvarez.

­ I sum up by suggesting to Carpenter, that were most of artistic movements are started by the artist, this one was imposed from outside, by a newspaper headline.

­ Yes and a very “keny” one, and I think its first occasion probably in modern times when the media do sticks a label on a group of artist and it does manages to stick, and it was a silly season that went on for about 2 years during from “The angry young man” whoever they were maybe asked for opinions about scenes on ladies stocks (laughs).

­ I am afraid it’s still used now… and Al Alvarez we discovered in this book you were an angry young man, were you conscience at the time been on?

­ No, its first time I heard about it actually, but they were all about treat me as “Anger Dorado’s”.

­ I don’t think you were an AYM exactly, I do put you there in the movement which didn’t existed either but…

­ Its really convenient at this level to label or movement, it makes it shorter, it like the bits, except the bits were different, the American bits were different, they were the same time more or less, but they were very much a group that were involved in promoting each other.

­ It was an attempt as angry, to putting together to have an apology the bits alongside the angry young man and….. Looks very little tough and suite along side amiss and some kind of T-shop atmosphere that one of the scenes of Latin German become very British and “boyar” comparison.

But the reason the label has stuck is so used hand-free is because even they realise creeping they never mess in some-case for long-time, is that it touches on something was happening socially which was a reaction against a certain kind of novel, against a certain kind of Clair.

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