Abbotsford House


Former home of the 19th-century novelist Sir Walter Scott, situated on the right
 bank of the River Tweed, district of Roxburgh, Borders region, Scotland. Scott
 purchased the original farm, then known as Carley Hole, in 1811 and transformed it
 (1817-25) into a Gothic-style baronial mansion. The surrounding area was a major
 source of inspiration for the author's historical novels.

 Still the home of Scott's direct descendants, Abbotsford remains virtually
 unchanged; it contains Scott's valuable library, family portraits, and an interesting
 collection of historical relics and is open to the public during the summer.



Academic Year 2000-2001

     © a.r.e.a./ Dr. Vicente Forés López

 © Celia Rodado Guirado

    Universitat de Vàlencia Press