A tale of chivalry set in the age of Richard the
                               Lion-Hearted. Wilfred of Ivanhoe loves Rowena, but his father plans
                               marry her to Athelstane of Coningsburgh. Ivanhoe serves with King
                               Richard in the crusades. King's brother John tries to usurp the throne with
                               the help of Norman barons. Richard appears in disguise at the tournament
                               at Ashby de la Zouch, where he helps Ivanhoe to defeat John's knights.
                               At the tournament Sir Brian falls in love with Rebecca, a beautiful Jewess.
                               She is taken captive with her father Isaac, Rowena, Ivanhoe, and Cedric
                               by the Norman barons and imprisoned in Torquilstone. The King and his
                               band of outlaws, among them Robin Hood, release the prisoners. Rebecca
                               is carried off by Bois-Guilbert and charged of witchcraft. Ivanhoe appears
                               as her champion, opposing Bois-Guilbert, who dies. Rebecca, seeing
                               Ivanhoe's love for Rowena, leaves England with her father. - Michael
                               Ragussis has argued that Scott's Isaac the Jew and his daughter Rebecca
                               restaged England's medieval persecution of Jews and criticized the
                               barbarity of persecution and forced conversion. Rebecca is a healer a
                               voice of moderation between Saxon knights and Normans.



Academic Year 2000-2001

  © a.r.e.a./ Dr. Vicente Forés López

  © Celia Rodado Guirado

    Universitat de Vàlencia Press