The word Victorianism, designs everything which is in the reign of Victoria I or is typical of this period.  It appeared for the first time in the middle of the nineteenth century.

          We could say Victorianism was a factory which made perfect citizens, because it was a period of optimism, decency,laboriousness, but also a period of repression. The rule of  keeping the appearances was arriving to exasperate limits.

          If you wanted to be a perfect victorian, you had to look after your family, work too much, go to church as much as you could and at last but not least (it was actually the most important) you had to repress your sexual urges. If you didn't repress it you were a lustful and an evil. The last important point was considered as a power to keep people out of revolts.

          On the other hand, in that period women weren’t important. It was a men’s world. Men and women sometimes married and they didn’t love each other. The mums prepared their daughters to marry a man who had money, properties and so on. It wasn’t important that they were in love to each other.

           Sometimes an old man married a young lady and she had to be glad, because if she looked for a young man she would be lustful and evil, as I have said before.

© Clara López Pueblas
Information from:

Academic year 1999/2000
© a.r.e.a./Dr. Vicente Forés López
© Clara López Pueblas
Universitat de València Press

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