

1-    Marianne Petit's website: "Marianne Petit (a.k.a. M.R. Petit)", visited in December 2008. URL:  http://www.mrpetit.com/

2-    The Grimm Tale hypertext: "THE GRIMM TALE", visited in December 2008. URL:  http://www.turbulence.org/Works/grimm/

3-    Photo taken from:  "Petit: Tisch School of the Arts at NYU", visited in December 2008. URL:  http://admin.tisch.nyu.edu/object/PetitM.html

4-    John Neilson's website: "it's all about me", visited in December 2008. URL:  http://www.jneil.com/jneil/


1-    Definition of hypertext: "Hypertext - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia", visited in December 2008. URL:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypertext

2-    Definition of folktale: "folktale: Definition from Answers.com", visited in December 2008. URL:  http://www.answers.com/topic/folklore-1

3-    Summary of the folktale in which "The Grimm Tale" is based on: "The Youth Who Went Forth To Learn What The Fear Was - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia", visited in December 2008. URL:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Story_of_the_Youth_Who_Went_Forth_to_Learn_What_Fear_Was

4-    Full folktale "The Story of the Youth Who Went Forth to Learn What Fear Was": in English ("The story of the youth who went forth to learn what fear was", visited in December 2008. URL:  http://www.grimmstories.com/en/grimm_fairy-tales/the_story_of_the_youth_who_went_forth_to_learn_what_fear_was) & in German ("Grim, Jacob und Wilhelm/Märchen/Kinder - und Hausmärchen/4. Märchen von einem, der auszog, das Fürchten zu lernen - Zeno.org", visited in December 2008. URL:  http://www.zeno.org/Literatur/M/Grimm,+Jacob+und+Wilhelm/M%C3%A4rchen/Kinder-+und+Hausm%C3%A4rchen/4.+M%C3%A4rchen+von+einem,+der+auszog,+das+F%C3%BCrchten+zu+lernen)

5-    Information about the Brothers Grimm, creators of the folktale said in the previous reference: "Brothers Grimm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia", visited in December 2008. URL:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brothers_Grimm

6-    Chronology of the Brothers Grimm: "Grimm Brothers' Home Page", visited in December 2008. URL:  http://www.pitt.edu/~dash/grimm.html

7-    Characteristics of folktales: "Common characteristics of folktales:", visited in December 2008. URL:  http://people.westminstercollege.edu/faculty/kkerr/MOTIFS.htm

8-   Table of contents of "The Grimm Tale": "The Grimm Tale - Table of Contents", visited in December 2008. URL:  http://www.turbulence.org/Works/grimm/toc.htm

9-    Chapters of "The Grimm Tale": "The Grimm Tale - Chapter 1", visited in December 2008. URL:  http://www.turbulence.org/Works/grimm/chapter_1.htm (Chapters go from Chapter 1 to Chapter 14, to access the chapter change the number in the URL, e.g.: http://www.turbulence.org/Works/grimm/chapter_2.htm, and so on)

10-    Section "Grimm Thoughts" of the website of "The Grimm Tale": "Grimm Thoughts", visited in December 2008. URL:  http://www.turbulence.org/Works/grimm/thoughts/

11-    Section "Take the Poll" of the website of "The Grimm Tale": "What Makes You Shudder?", visited in December 2008. URL:  http://www.turbulence.org/cgi-bin/nar/grimm/shudderpoll.cgi

12-    Section "Credits" of the website of "The Grimm Tale": "The Grimm Tale - Credits and conclusion", visited in December 2008. URL:  http://www.turbulence.org/Works/grimm/credits.htm

13-    Section "General Information" of the website of "The Grimm Tale", where the requirements to run the website are given: "The Grimm Tale - General Information", visited in December 2008. URL:  http://www.turbulence.org/Works/grimm/index2.htm

14-    Definition of Midi: "Musical Instrument Digital Interface - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia", visited in December 2008. URL:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Midi

15-    Definition of ".gif" files: "Graphics Interchnge Format - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia", visited in December 2008. URL:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GIF

16-    Definition of ".jpeg" files: "JPEG - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia", visited in December 2008. URL:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JPEG

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