Spitting out the words is so difficult. Pain before the words are made flesh in the black leather bound diary. Sid sent it to me for Christmas. The creep in Mexico with that young thing. Her work so shallow. "Documenting" she says.
Rather be in my studio.

(El desorden del estudio)

In the beginning, (don't ask me how long ago because I get time mixed up) I put my slides in a wooden box. Damn things would spill out all over the place. Then I stored them in a ring binder in plastic sheets which turned out not to be archival. Now they are back in a box. Tiny unorganized bright mirrors of my work. Some are labeled . Some are not.
Don't give a shit but curators do.

Tina is sorting them out and labeling them all. She seems excited by the job. God knows why. I have ordered a rolling file thing I saw in a catalog to house t