
- It’s time to pray to fireflies –


Elizabeth is married with Gifford, and has a daughter with him, Rita.

Elizabeth is in Porgett’s too and finds a shiny dress that she buys. Later on, she realizes that it was tighter than in the store.

She believes that Gifford cannot resist a temptation like that but, he did not really say anything, and she felt that she was invisible.

He is maybe worried about the Company, but, after weeks of silence, she notices that he is disappearing; his skin is being fragile and the veins can be easily seen.

One day in the ballet, while attending the Stravinsky’s Firebird, she felt that he was disappearing, and in the daily routine, while having breakfast, for instance, he becomes invisible or even blurred.

She tries to find a reason for this phenomenon. She asks him what he thinks when he is disappearing or why he disappears, but he has no answer. On the other hand, she is worried because she believes that if anything is done, he will disappear once and for all.

When being the 25 th anniversary, she wore the extremely nice dress that makes her look like a young woman, but Gifford did not notice anything. She called him and he smiled; she thought that he has remembered the date and she went down the stairs and embraced him, when she finally discovered that his heart is shining.

In the end, she asked him if he liked her dress and he disappeared.


[Summary]      [Relationships]




Academic year 2008/2009
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© Diana Descalzo Conde
Universitat de València Press