Student´s name: Eva Fuentes Valor

      Title of the paper: Literary evolution of Laurence Sterne

      Author or topic: Laurence Sterne

      Abstract or summary of the research in not more than 100 to max. 150 words:

     This work treats about one famous author in english literature and some of his more important plays, like Tristam Shandy. But it is not his only known play, since in his travels to France and Italy, Sterne had the inspiration for writing other compositions, for intance  A sentimental travel to France and Italy. Two important elements that appears in several of his plays are irony and humour. Besides my work deals with literary evolution of the author in a cronological way.

    On the other hand, it is talked about the Sterne's biography and the period in which he lived.



Academic year 1999/2000
29. November 1999
©a.r.e.a./ Dr. Vicente Forés López.
© Eva Fuentes Valor
Universitat de València Press


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