Student's name: Eva Fuentes Valor.

          Title of the paper: Thomas de Quincey. Drugs and literature.

          Author or topic: Thomas de Quincey.


              This work treats about a british writer and he is Thomas de Quincey. While he was studying
   in Oxford he used to take opium in order to clam down his own neuralgia, habit that never finished
   in his life.

              I want to treat about his relationship with other writers of the same period, and talk about some
  of his works; and I am going to be based on his major works.Therefore, I am going to talk about his life
  and the drugs with his literature.

             Finally, I hope this work help other students to find everything they need to know about Thomas
  de Quincey.

      Auto-evaluation: Notable

Academic year 2000/2001
1 Diciembre de 2000
© a.r.e.a./ Dr. Vicente Forés López
© Eva Fuentes Valor
Universitat de València Press


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