4595 English Narrative I

Student's name: Ezequiel Hoyos Redondo

Title of the paper: Brave new world

Author or topic: Aldous Huxley

Abstract or summary of the research in not more than 100 to max.150 words:

The contents of this paper shall deal with Aldous Huxley and with the well-known and successful work Brave new world.
  On the one hand, with a subjective perspective of the author, it will talk about the biography of Huxley and about his work, including summary, structure, meaning and symbolism.
  On the other hand, with a collective perspective, it will consider how important Huxley was in his period and how he will be situated in his literary movement; innovators of the novel. Moreover, it will include some conclusions about " Brave new world".

 My aspiration will be to obtain   Excellent

Academic year 1999/2000

25 November 1999

© a.r.e.a/Dr.Vicente Forés López

© Ezequiel Hoyos Redondo

Universitat de València Press

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