The European Law Students' Association (ELSA) offers a large variety of events around Europe, for both law students and young lawyers. In addition, our international conferences keep a high academic standard which attracts international experts to contribute with their legal expertise. This fact makes it attracting also for legal practitioners to participate in these events.
Different Events and who can participate:
ELSA has two different categories of events. Internal Events are organised for ELSA members and Alumni, and Legal Events are open for everyone. Normally the prices are differentiated between ELSA members, students, alumni and non students.
Activities in course in ELSA València not show on OYOP:
11 de Diciembre : Taller/Workshop "Te distingues o te extingues" en Tarongers Aula 311 Norte a las 19h
17 y 18 Diiembre : "Recogida de Alimentos, Juguetes y Ropa" en Tarongers entre Aularios de 10 a 18h
OYOP 2014-15 () / Seminars / Conferences / Legal Events / EMC2 / Other Activities / ELSA Day / Environment ELSA Day / Día de la UE 2015 (
) / Summer School 2015 (