A brief list of games based in Tolkien´s world:

J.R.R. Tolkien worked for an entire lifetime in creating his amazing fantasy world, Middle-earth. This world of elves, dwarves, hobbits and other creatures became the setting for his bestselling novels The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. In time, these novels became one of the main sources of inspiration for the growing role-playing hobby, which in turn came to inspire many of the pioneer computer game programmers during the seventies.

Strategy games for which Tolkien scenarios exist

Civilization II
Heroes of Might and Magic II
Warcraft II
Warlords II
Warlords II Deluxe

Strategy play-by-mail game

Middle-earth Play-By-Mail / MittelErde Postspiel / La Tierra Media JPC / Gioco Postale della Terra di Mezzo

Not released strategy games

The Lord of the Rings, Vol. III: The Return of the King
Orcs: Revenge of the Ancient

For more information about computer games based on Tolkien´s world go to :


©Enrique García Perpiñán