Subject : Internet: Herramienta de investigación literaria

Student´s name : Obeso Izquierdo, Efrén

Title of the paper : "Sancho Panza"

Author or topic : Who is Sancho Panza?

Abstract : The goal of this paper would break Sancho Panza down, studying him both before, during and after Don Quixote, clearing his origins and looking for him in later works. By doing this, we could unveil background information leading us to a better understanding of both the character and the author who created him.This paper also proposes a breath of fresh air when studying Cervantes, taking the readers up high to provide them with a more global view of Cervantes, turning him into an initial point from which the spider web begins, an almost never-ending chain of links.

Auto-evaluation: Notable

Academic year 2008/2009
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© Efrén Obeso Izquierdo
Universitat de València Press