Cervantes took a break while writing the second part of Don Quixote, we know it now because he makes references to both events happened in 1605 when he wrote some chapters later placed in the second part, and events that happened in 1609-1610 as the morisque people being expelled. Because of that break in his writing, he made some coherence mistakes when putting it all together, so in chapter 30 we find Don Quixote and Sancho geographically placed in both Castilla la Nueva and the Ebro river in two days time when the geographic distance between both spots would be about 500 kilometers. Coherence conflicts embrace also the meaning and the timing since we find the haunted boat adventure in chapter 29 which is embraced by chapters with totally different topics, it just seems out of place in there.

(Flores, Robert M. 1982. “Sancho panza through three hundred seventy-five years of continuations, imitations, and criticism, 1605-1980”. Newark, Delaware: Juan de la Cuesta.)

Sancho´s adventure as a governor is almost considered as an independent novel placed inside Don Quixote´s. Even after being tricked by the Dukes, Sancho shows himself as a bold and honest governor to everyone´s surprise, redefining himself into a hero since he is not willing to take profit from his position as supposedly governor.

(Leif Sletsjoe. 1961. “Sancho Panza, hombre de bien”. Madrid: Insula.)