
                             Subject:          14711-Hipertextos y Literatura

                             Student´s name :   Serna, Erica

                      Title of the paper :  tHE heIsT

                            Author or topic :    Sorrells, Walter

                      Abstract :            The Hypertext, The Heist, is a modern day crime drama that takes place in a small, quiet town in South Carolina.  There are many interesting characters that make up this exciting story about the planning and execution of a bank robbery gone wrong.  The author, Walter Sorrells, tells the story from countless points-of-view which allows the reader to assume the role of any character at any time he/she chooses.
                                                      With this webpage, we provide the reader with the hypertext itself and our personal analysis of the time and space elements of the story.  We also include a conclusion that contains our overall opinion of The Heist.  A good place to start might be the introduction.



Being that this is my first experience with hypertexts, I interpreted and evaluated this particular text very well.  At first it was a bit difficult to write a paper that included links, but after a while I found it to be much more interesting to create than the traditional method of writing a paper.  While I feel that I still need more experience with this type of work, I believe this to be a fair representation of what was asked of this course.  It also demonstrates what I am capable of and what I have learned.

Academic year 2002
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© Erica Serna y Maria Alvarez
Universitat de València Press;