Boutique Mademoiselle

What's going on?
This excerpt recalls a meeting between all the characters of this play: Margot, Beck, Dan and Bou. Dan seems to be fond of both Margot and Bou, something he knows is senseless. They met at Margot's appartment . While Margot cooked, Dan and Bou chatted about different things. Dan is getting to know Bou. They all had a big mea and plenty of wine. Later on, they all dozed off  in the living room. Dan made sure he contemplated Margot and Bou carefully.

The name of the chapter comes from the name of a hat store, described in the first paragraph of the excerpt.

Once again Kafka uses a very descriptive language.
                    ...kissing with loud smacking noises.

As well as compound adjectives.
dried-out herringbone floor; olive-and-royal-blue madras; lion-footed, rowboat-size bathtub; cropped blond hair;
tear-dampened handkerchief

In the description of Margot's appartment detailed selection of adjectives and words is visible
Chaise longue, antiques…the apartment was surprising and intricate.


To describe Bou
...lace my fingers in yours, squat and rock on my heels with you
...two saxes, one taller than the other, stood by the hall door like a big and little brother
                    You and Margot spooned like a beautiful dwarf and a handsome noblewoman in the TV moonlight

Kafka adds a humurous and witty touch by saying:
    [about Margot]...lace my fingers in yours, squat and rock on my heels with you

Under this aspect we might say that Dan, our storyteller showers in positive and intense sensations when thinking about either Margot or Bou." And so it was there on the landing during that first long moment that I learned I loved you and Margot, not indistinguishably but inseparably, and always."

 He cannot understand what happens to him whenever he sees either of them. To him, when referring to Margot, "I listened for my heart and found it plashing away inside her, and I realized I'd lost that, too." Then with Bou: "...and my soul ran at a fast clip up to my eyes and leapt in a shallow, long-jump arc across the air into your eyes and was gone". In a moment, he had lost his soul and his heart.

When Dan and Bou first exchange phrases, the way Kafka describes their conversations made me understand that Dan was, like any other guy, ignoring what Bou said and focusing on her physical aspect: "...just was concentrating on the symmetrical and economic grace with which you moved through the room., again I looked at your cinnamon lashes and the strength of your forearms and hands". 
This part is both funny because it seems like he isn't even listening but in the next paragraph he says evetything she told her while he focused on her breath-taking beauty.
When he looked at her he describes their encounter as: "
...I felt my metatarsals bow up and open, my lungs widen."
After talking about school and family they both realized they shared a tragedy: Bou's brother had died, as well as, Dan's mother. This fact gave them the complicity of a situation. It expresses sadness and sorrow: "Once more looked into each other's eyes, as if to glimpse those always present, always absent ones."

When he refers to Margot, and when they first greeted his feelings seem to be similar to the ones he experienced with Bou but at the same time different or maybe more intense: "...her hands under my elbows, her cheek against mine. A loose, lost-and-found arrow surged up and through me. I kissed Margot with closed eyes, and didn't need to see her because I already knew the high Eskimo curve of her cheeks cresting above me, the blue of her eyes, the trill of her tongue speaking, the spiral fall of her hair, the weight of her breasts not in my hands".
He felt he knew her intimately but at the same time, not at all.
A humurous resource Kafka includes is again a typical make behaviour. Dan, when trying to lear how to fold  napkins pays attention to what Margot is teaching him but at the same time, glances at her figure: "
thought I wasn't just watching her eyes and lips above the conical nests of linen she wove while her unpredictable, low-high voice spun instructions in the air like birdsong. She was busty and sturdy, and she looked up at an angle that included my middle but took in all of me, so that standing in front of her, I was entirely present.". Again it seems like is not paying attention, but in fact, he is.


© Boutique Mademoiselle.Visited 24/11/08
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