We undertand Realism as a movement which pretends to reflect the reality. This movement has been very accepted, and this, for me, has its desavantages, I mean, we are so used to it, and that does not allow us to accept others movements which do not answer to the logic event, do not show things as they are. May be, this would be the topic of another research.
One more thing that I have wanted to show in my research is that Charles Dickens is one of the most important representatives of English Realism. And I want to speak specifically about the difference between one of his main novels "Great Expectations" and the film which is based on this book, which was a disappointment, at least for me.
In conclusion, this research has allowed me to know a little bit more about Charles Dickens and the Realism, and as I say before, it allow me to ask myself if the realism marks us when we want to undertand other movement.