Student´s name: Sandra Fernández Martín

Title of the paper:  Literary theories in Samuel Beckett´s narrative

Author or topic: Samuel Beckett
Abstract or summary of the research in not more than 100 to max.150 words:
In this project i would like to concentrate on the Deconstructive Criticism applied to the trilogy containing Molloy, Malone Dies and The Unamable. i think this kind of criticism is very important in this author, bcause the language is one of the main points of his narrative. Following this literary theory, I will try to analyse how the linguistic study of the text becomes essential to understand what samuel Beckett is trying to express. I would also like to compare the difference in language between his plays and his narrative, trying to explain the reasons why the author uses that specific language.
Although I preffer the deconstructive criticism, i also find very interesting the application of the mith criticism. the study of the language is very important, but it is relevant to analyse the different patterns or symbols that affect writers and readers, and the way they react towards these patterns.
Auto-evaluation:  Sob-MH
     Code: 4595

Academic year 1998/1999
12.Marzo 1999
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© nombre del alumno
Universitat de València Press