From my point of view and personal opinion, my work on John Milton could be useful to everybody who wants to know about the author.

I think this, because usually when someone wants to learn about an author start to read his or her books and sometimes we forget to do this (read) about the life,times (social context),critics... of the author wich can help us to understand more about his or her literally production. This is the reason why in my web page first I do it and afther in the second part of it I do it about the most outstanding topics of the book I´m working on: theology,characters... .

In my personal web page I tried to collect his biography, cronology, times, critics, cosmology... . He was one of the great literary geniuses of all time and one of the most popular and important narrative poet of the seventeen century.

On the other hand, I choose Milton for his work, I like him; apart from to be a poet he was a narrator too. In adition to his texts in verse, his texts in prose are about three topics of freedom: religious, individual and civil freedom. Most of them were published like anonymous pamphets, it means that his author give them informative and divulgative character.

Finally, and inside this opinion, I want you to read something that I found about John Milton, wich impacts me and made really understand how important was the author and his masterpiece Paradise Lost at his time:
       " The briefest survey of Milton´s religious thought and feeling makes sufficiently absurd the romantic idea that he was of the devil´s party without knowing it, Satan was the real hero of Paradise Lost... . It is matter of course that Shakespeare, thought not a villain could create heroic villains; why it should be a wonder and  problem that Milton could is not clear... . It is not all together his fault if readers debauched by sentimental and romantic liberalism and naturalism are incapable of either intelectual or emotional response to the classical, Christian, medieval and Renaissance doctriness of law and orther in the soul in society, and in the cosmos.
       Those moderns who cannot comrehend or feel Milton´s religious and ethical thoght have no better understanding of a poetic method based also on law and order, so that the selfimposed limitations of all classical art become in him a simpleminded ignorance of the complexities of human nature and life"                      (by Douglas Bush)