 Thanks for answering my questions--your English is very good, much better than
 my poor Spanish.  Your town sounds lovely.

 Good luck on your paper and I hope you have fun in the class. I have a
 webshelf on my home page that lists other writers in English.

 We would like someone to review works in Spanish for the Eliterature
 directory. Could you ask your professor if he would be willing to assign that task to
 someone in one of his future classes? http://www.eliterature.org/dir/


 Cristina Fdez de Gorostiza Samper <fersam@alumni.uv.es> wrote:
 Dear Deena,

 Thank you very much for your help and thank you for your work too, it´s
 I am going to answer the questions you have done it.

 Where are you located?

 Well, I live in the Valencian Coast of Spain. It is located on the east
 of my country. My little town is called Algemesi and we are about 25.000
 habitants. Algemesi is near of the beach and there are a lot of orange
 trees, I think is wonderful!

 What are you studying?

 I am 20 years old, and last year I try to study biology at the
 university but I don´t like it. This year I began to study the first
 course of English philology and I enjoy it very much.
 The subject in which I study your hypertexts is called "Hypertexts and
 English Literature" and is an opcional one.

 What authors have you studied?

 Well, you are the first American author that I have studied because I
 have just started my studies, but this year I have studied several
 British authors of theatre like Shakespeare, Oscar Wilde, Caryl
 Churchyll etc. I hope to know more people like you because I enjoy your

 What do you like to do?

 I like to read in my free time and go out with my friends.
 But the most I like doing is to travell around the world but nowadays I
 can´t do it very much. I went to Paris for three times and I have
 Swiss too. I wish I travel more in a near future!!

 What is your philosophy on life?

 I think it is a difficult question!! I try to explain it...
 At first time, I thought "to live my life without preoccupations" but I
 have changed. Nowadays I try to do the things the best as possible and I
 want to study in order to be better in the future (as a person).
 I attempt not to fall in "monotony" and I like to experience with new
 things whenever I can.

 I wish you can understand my bad english!
 Thank you so much for your help.
