Student’s name:Paqui Doménech Martínez.
Title of the paper: ROMANTICISM.
Author or topic:WALTER SCOTT.
Abstract or summary of the research:
     In this web page you will find a complete research about a movement that produces the best plays within the European romantic revolution between 1798 -when Lyrical Ballades(Wordsworth and Coleridge)was edited for the first time-and 1832,coinciding with the Walter Scott´s death.I´ll base my study on this author,who introduced the historical novel and ,like the other romantic authors,was strongly influenciated by the society of that moment:a society that suffered many  revolutions because of being set between wars.So,i hope you enjoy your time as well as you can¡
Subject code: 4595
 Auto-evaluation: Notable.

                                    Academic year 1999-2000
                                ©a.r.e.a./Dr. Vicente Forés López
                                     ©Paqui Doménech Martínez
                                     Universidad de Valencia
