This hypertext story starts in a dark night of autumn where the big luminous dome glitters everything under it. It is cold when the wind blows away and the falls of the river fall very quickly. It is strange because you think the sun is away due to the luminous dome although all is occuring in the night.
The author only tells you we are in autumn but he doesn't explain exactly if the story is happening during one day, one week or one year. You can't never be situated if you are inside this hypertext because of all is enchanged.

If you want compare and take more informatio about time you can visit Lucia and Sara's Time.

Hear you can read some paragraphs from the "Luminous Dome" where the author explains when the story occurs.

It's not summer. It's autumn, and you are under a spell!

 The roar of the river drowns out all other sounds. Rushing water
 drowns out all other sights. Water surrounds your body. It
 tastes clean and wild. The smell of it is like wind off the


Academic year 2002
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
©Garcia Vilaplana, Carolina
Universitat de València Press