Gissing Portrait Gallery (Gissing)

              George Gissing in 1895

The average man of education is fond of literature because the environment of his growth has made such fondness a second
nature. (Thyrza, VI)

                                                                       George Gissing, May 1, 1897
                                                                            Illustrated London News

                                                                      George Gissing, July 12, 1897

In each life little for congratulation . . . but at least their lives would remain a protest against those brute forces of society which
fill with wreck the abysses of the nether world. (The Nether World, XL)

                                                                            George Gissing, May 1901
                                                             From a photograph by Messrs. Elliott & Fry

'The art of living is the art of compromise. We have no right to foster sensibilities, and conduct ourselves as if the world allowed
of ideal relations; it leads to misery for others as well as ourselves. . . . What right have we to make ourselves and others
miserable for the sake of an obstinate idealism? ourselves and others miserable for the sake of an obstinate idealism?' (The
New Club Street, XXXI)

                                                                          Photograph by G. & J. Hall

                                                                    Sketches of Gissing by H. G. Wells

                                                            George Gissing at the age of 44 (Elliott & Fry)

A man has no business to fail; least of all can he expect others to have time to look back upon him or pity him if he sinks under
the stress of conflict. Those behind will trample over his body; they can't help it; they themselves are borne onwards by
resistless pressure. (The New Club Street, II)



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