Bleiler, E.V., The Guide to Supernatural Fiction (Kent State University Press, 1983), 279-82(Entries and commentary on MRJ)
Bloom, Clive, Creepers: British Horror and Fantasy in the Twentieth Century (Pluto Press, 1993). (One short chapter devoted to "M.R. James and his Fiction")
Briggs, Julia, Night Visitors: The Rise and Fall of the English Ghost Story (Faber, 1977), 124-141. (Chapter 6 on "No Mere Antiquary: M.R. James")
--- in Jack Sullivan (ed.), The Penguin Encyclopedia of Horror and the Supernatural (Viking, 1986), 233-235. (Entry on "James, M[ontague] R[hodes]")
Cox, Michael, in M.R. James, Casting the Runes and Other Ghost Stories (Oxford World's Classics, 1987), xi-xxxv. (Introduction and bibliography)
The Ghost Stories of M.R. James (Oxford University Press, 1986), 7-37. (Major introduction)
M.R. James: An Informal Portrait (Oxford University Press, 1983). (Biography with good coverage of MRJ's ghost stories)
-in M.R. James, Two Ghost Stories: A Centenary (Ghost Story Press, 1993), ix-xx. (Introduction)
Haining, Peter, in M.R. James: Book of the Supernatural (Foulsham, 1979), 9-18. (Introductory chapter on "The Haunted World of M.R. James")
Kneale, Nigel, in Ghost Stories of M.R. James (Folio Society, 1973), v-xi. (Introduction)
Lubbock, S.G., A Memoir of Montague Rhodes James (Cambridge, 1939). (Portrait of MRJ with sidelights on the ghost stories)
McBryde, Gwendolen, in M.R. James, Letters to a Friend (Edward Arnold, 1956), 7-26. (Introduction)
Pardoe, Rosemary, in M.R. James, The Five Jars (Ash-Tree Press, 1995), xi-xvii. (Introduction)
--- in M.R. James, Two Ghost Stories: A Centenary (Ghost Story Press, 1993), 17-19. (Afterword, on "Canon Alberic's Scrap-book" and "Lost Hearts")
Penzoldt, Peter, The Supernatural in Fiction (Peter Nevill, 1952), 191-202. (Chapter on "Dr M.R. James (1862-1936)")
Pfaff, Richard William, Montague Rhodes James (Scolar Press, 1980). (Biography concentrating mainly on MRJ's scholarly works, but with fair coverage of the ghost stories)
Rottensteiner, Franz, The Fantasy Book (Collier, 1978), 63-6. (Chapter on "The Classic English Ghost Story: M.R. James and others")
Sullivan, Jack, Elegant Nightmares: The English Ghost Story from Le Fanu to Blackwood (Ohio University Press, 1978), 69-90. (Chapter III on "The Antiquarian Ghost Story: Montague Rhodes James")
Wagenknecht, Edward, Seven Masters of Supernatural Fiction (Greenwood Press, 1991). (One of the seven essays concerns MRJ)
Warren, Austin, Connections (Ann Arbor, 1970), 86-107, 194-195. (Essay on "The Marvels of M.R. James, Antiquary")
Articles (General)
Adrian, Jack, Introduction and notes for "An M.R. James
Letter", Ghosts & Scholars 8 (Haunted Library, 1986),
Ashley, Mike, "M.R. James", Twilight Zone (December 1981), 55-59.
Butts, Mary, "The Art of Montagu James", The London Mercury 29 (February 1934), 306-17; reprinted in Ghosts & Scholars 17 (1994), 22-32. (Probably the first full-length critical essay on MRJ's ghost stories)
Dalby, Richard, "The Ghost Stories of M.R. James", Book & Magazine Collector 16 (June 1985), 46-53; heavily revised and reprinted in Masters of Fantasy 3: M.R. James (British Fantasy Society, 1987), 4-9.
Hodgson, Sheila, "The Ghost of M.R. James", Blackwood's Magazine (June 1979), 514-20.
Holmes, Robert, "Of Ghosts and King's", The Times (November 23, 1974).
Joshi, S.T., "M.R. James and the Limitations of the Ghost Story", Spectral Tales 1 (June 1988), 27-33; also forms part of S.T. Joshi, The Weird Tale: Arthur Machen, Lord Dunsany, Algernon Blackwood, M.R. James, Ambrose Bierce, H.P. Lovecraft (University of Texas Press, 1990).
Kidd, A.F., "M.R. James: An English Humorist", Ghosts & Scholars 5 (1983), 31-34.
Kneale, Nigel, "Master of Horrific Arts", Folio Magazine (Folio Society, Winter 1972/3), 25-28.
Leslie, Shane, "Montague Rhodes James", Quarterly Review 304 (1966), 45-56.
Lloyd, L.J., "The Ghost Stories of Montague Rhodes James", Book Handbook 4 (1947), 237-253.
Lovecraft, H.P., "Supernatural Horror in Literature", The Recluse 1 (1927); many reprints (e.g. Dover, 1973). (Seminal essay, which includes several pages on MRJ's stories)
MacCulloch, Simon, "The Toad in the Study: M.R. James, H.P. Lovecraft and Forbidden Knowledge", (Part One) Ghosts & Scholars 20 (1995), 38-43; (Part Two), Ghosts & Scholars 21 (1996), 37-42; (Part Three), Ghosts & Scholars 22 (1996), 40-46; (Part Four), Ghosts & Scholars 23 (1997), 54-60.
Michalski, Robert, "The Malice of Inanimate Objects: Exchange in M.R. James's Ghost Stories", Extrapolation Vol. 37, No. 1 (Kent State University, Spring 1996), 46-62.
Pardoe, Rosemary, "The Unfinished Ghost Stories of M.R. James", Ghosts & Scholars 4 (1982), 37-41.
Power, Albert, "Some Thoughts on the Supernatural Writings of J.S. Le Fanu & M.R. James", Ghosts & Scholars 9 (1987), 28-33.
Rogers, Byron,
"The devil in Mr James", Sunday Telegraph (April 26,
1998), 8.
Rowlands, David G., "Ghost Stories Of An Antiquary", Cork Holly Bough (Christmas, 1980), 8, 41.
--- "M.R. James's Women", Ghosts & Scholars 15 (1993), 32-34.
Russell, Samuel D., "Irony and Horror: The Art of M.R. James", The Acolyte 12 (Fall, 1945); reprinted as a Ghost Story Society booklet (1993); revised first half also reprinted in Haunted 2 (December 1964), 43-52, and 3 (June 1968), 96-106.
Scarfe, Norman, "The Strangeness Present: M.R. James's Suffolk", Country Life (November 6, 1986), 1416-19.
Schweitzer, Darrell, "M.R. James and H.P. Lovecraft: The Ghostly and the Cosmic", Studies in Weird Fiction 15 (Necronomicon Press, 1994), 12-16.
Simpson, Jacqueline, "'The Rules of Folklore' in the Ghost Stories of M.R. James", Folklore 108 (Folklore Society, 1997), 9-18.
Smith, Clark Ashton, "The Weird Works of M.R. James", The Fantasy Fan (February 1934); reprinted in Clark Ashton Smith, Planets & Dimensions (Mirage Press, 1973), 30-32.
Stevenson, Graeme, "The M.R. James Files", Tune Into Yesterday 26 (Old Time Radio Show Collector's Association, 1997), 16-19. (Early radio broadcasts)
Ward, Clive, "The Pictorial M.R. James", All Hallows 15 (Ghost Story Society, June 1997), 13-20.
Weighell, Ron, "Dark Devotions: M.R. James and the Magical Tradition", Ghosts & Scholars 6 (1984), 20-30.
Articles (Specific
Arney, Lance, "An Elucidation (?) of The Plot of M.R.
James's 'Two Doctors'", Studies in Weird Fiction 8 (1990),
Attewell, Phil, "The 'Legend' of the Three Crowns", Withowinde (The English Companions, Spring 1994), 22-23. ("A Warning to the Curious")
Byrom, Martin, "A Wander Round Withybush", Ghosts & Scholars 19 (1995), 32-33. ("A View from a Hill")
Cox, Michael, "Introduction" to "The Malice of Inanimate Objects", Ghosts & Scholars 6 (1984), 1-2.
Craik, Roger, "Nightmares of Punch and Judy in Ruskin and M.R. James", Fantasy Commentator 49 (Fall 1996), 12-14. ("The Story of a Disappearance and an Appearance")
Crook, John, "The Weighty and the Trivial: M.R. James and St Bertrand de Comminges", Country Life (October 25, 1984), 1248-49. ("Canon Alberic's Scrap-book")
Halls, Michael, "Introduction" and notes for "A Night in King's College Chapel", Ghosts & Scholars 7 (1985), 1-2, 5, 23.
Hendershot, Cyndy, "The Return of the Repressed in M.R. James's 'Martin's Close'", University of Mississippi Studies in English, Vol. 11-12 (1993-5), 134-37.
Hughes, Martin, "A Maze of Secrets in a Story by M.R. James", Durham University Journal, Vol. 85, No. 54 (1), 81-93. ("Mr Humphreys and His Inheritance")
--- "Murder of the Cathedral: A Story by M.R. James", Durham University Journal, Vol. 87, No. 56 (1), 73-98. ("The Stalls of Barchester Cathedral")
Pardoe, Darroll, "A Visit to Seaburgh", Ghosts & Scholars 15 (1993), 35-6. ("A Warning to the Curious")
Pardoe, Rosemary, "The Demon in the Cathedral", All Hallows 1 (1989), 25-26. ("An Episode of Cathedral History")
--- "Some Thoughts on The Five Jars and 'After Dark in the Playing Fields'", Ghosts & Scholars 12 (1990), 26-27.
Pardoe, Rosemary, and
Jane Nicholls, "The Black Pilgrimage", Ghosts &
Scholars 26 (1998), 48-54 ("Count Magnus")
--- "James Wilson's Secret", Ghosts & Scholars 24 (1997), 45-48. ("Mr Humphreys and His Inheritance")
Pink, Colin, "The Real Dennistoun", Ghosts & Scholars 19 (1995), 32. ("Canon Alberic's Scrap-book")
Richardson, Maurice, "The Psychoanalysis of Ghost Stories", The Twentieth Century (December, 1959). (Pages 421-425 on "Oh, Whistle, and I'll Come to You, My Lad")
Sawyer, Andy, "Montague Rhodes James - cyberpunk?", Ghosts & Scholars 23 (1997), 42-43. (The Five Jars)
Sayers, Dorothy L., Letter in The Eton College Chronicle (Feb 4, 1937); reprinted as "Martin's Close: The Wimsey Connection", Ghosts & Scholars 12 (1990), 32-34.
Simpson, Jacqueline, "Ghosts & Posts", Ghosts & Scholars 22 (1996), 46-47. ("The Rose Garden", etc.)
--- "Landmarks And Shrieking Ghosts", Ghosts & Scholars 25 (1997), 42-44 ("A Neighbour's Landmark")
--- "The Riddle of the Whistle", Ghosts & Scholars 24 (1997), 54-55. ("Oh, Whistle, and I'll Come to You, My Lad")
Sneyd, Steve, "(Book into Film) Doubt in the Dark: 'Casting the Runes' by M.R. James [and] Night of the Demon (1957)", Strange Adventures 39 (May 1992), 4-5.
Ward, Richard, "In Search of the Dread Ancestor: M.R. James's 'Count Magnus' and Lovecraft's 'The Case of Charles Dexter Ward'", Lovecraft Studies 36 (Necronomicon Press, 1997), 14-17.
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