Buddha of Suburbia is Karim Amir's history, English from birth and son of an Indian of Muslim religion and of an Englishwoman. Karim lived in London in the seventies, involved with literature and music. Karim lived in a peripheral region of London, that he called suburbia.

The text is in charge of enough of the conviviality of Karim with his father's, marked at the same time by the affection and for the critical estrangement. The mother was a chubby woman, of clear face and round and sweet brown eyes. In good part of the narrative, we observed Karim to render ironical his Muslim father's involvement with Buddhism, Confucionism and zen to win money. The irony of the romance appears frequently when Karim Amir tries the disjunction: among cultures, sexes and generations. The father of Karim, Haroon, was a British employee did already twenty years, he had arrived in England there were already twenty years, but he still stopped strange in the streets to ask information on places that were to two hundred meters of distance, in an area where had lived for two decades.As a child, Karim dreamed in changing for London. In elapsing of his narrative, he draws fine pictures of illustrations with which he links or become friends: he dialogues with Eva, a friend impassioned by Rolling Stones, that she suggested Karim to read Voltaire's Cāndido in the place of Keroauc (that is not literature, is typing, she says her, repeating Truman's destructive judgement) and she danced like Isadora Duncan. On the other hand, Karim admires a youth called rebellious English: a boy called Charlie that, like Karim, wraps up with rock and with his charm, and he attracts boys and girls. The father wraps up with Eva, while Karim approaches more and more for Charlie, until being disappointed with him, after years of friendship. Father and son entered in conflict: the son calls him a Muslim renegade, said he proclaimed Christian blasphemies when supporting the Buddhist, while the father, seeing his intimity with Charlie, he complained of his homossexuality. The book stops enough in the effort of Karim to adapt England, without leaving of his identity and his inheritance. Without being very religious, the boy speaks enough regarding the Indian food, that he adores, among other plates, as the kebabs. Karim narrated his drama as mestizo in the Empire of Her Majesty, resisting a lot of times, as in his theatrical experience, in representing the type of immigrant inadapted and that she didn't get to speak English, in other words, a lot of times Karim felt forced to represent the stereotype wanted by the English racists. Accompanying Charlie's career, going with him to New York, Karim saw with his irony search for the fashion: he made friends with the punks, it followed the British musical fashion, passing of the exaggerating Baroque to the furious garage, posing of rebellious youth, spitting and insulting the media. Finally, Charlie turned his band, Mustn' t Grumble, one of the famous bands Punk and New Wave. Charlie, according to the friend's critical observation, was magnificent in his poison, his manufactured rage, his/her fury, his challenge. That power he had, that admiration woke up, that he looks provoked in the girls. He was brilhant: it had gathered the right elements. It was a trick, a wonderful disguise. The only flaw, said for Karim, laughing, it was in the white teeth as milk, healthy. They denounced the whole farce.Karim finished disappointed with Charlie, that is devoted to sadomasochistic rituals and it seems to him, from now on, senseless. Karim began a writer career, and his glory was much smaller than the one of Charlie, but he was more centered and more satisfied. Going away of the world of the fashion, of the rock and roll, it returned to London and it was met again with the parents and Eva.
