Subject : # 14227 Narrativa inglesa desde el siglo XVIII   Grupo B


Student´s name : Improta,Giuseppe

Title of the paper : Something about  Hanif Kureishi

Author or topic : Kureishi, Hanif



Abstract : I will report all  the chronologies about an english playwriter, filmmaker, novelist and short-story writer called Hanif Kureshi. He was born in London to a Pakistani father and an English mother. The themes of his work have touched on topics of race, nationalism, immigration and sexuality. Besides I will focus on his books, from “The Budda of Suburbia” to “Something to tell you”. Then I will talk about his other arts .                              






Auto-evaluation: 7


Academic year 2008/2009
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© Giuseppe Improta
Universitat de Valčncia Press