As an introduction, I am going to do a brief definition about formalism
theories and their influence in writtings and writers as Lewis Carroll.
The purpouse of this paper is to study the principle works of some the
main authors who had to use the tale´s model to criticize the society.
As a reference, I have used Alice´s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis
Carroll, which constitute an example of how a novel which was originally
destined for adult readers has become one of the most well read children´s
I will compare it with other novels such as: Robinson Crusoe (Defoe); Gulliver
Travellers (Swift); David Copperfield (Dickens).
So as to do complete study about this theme, I have interviwed an adult
a child in order to show two different point of view dealing with the Disney
film Alice´s Adventures in Wonderland.
Academic year 1998/1999
12 Marzo 1999
© a.r.e.a. /Dr
Vicente Forés López
© Inmaculada
Pascual Osuna
Universitat de València