Swift's prose is irreplaceable for his simple familiarity, his flexibility and his clarity.

 The special quality of his verses are being appreciated justly for the readers at the present time, without attending strictly of the romantic and Victorian definitions and his poetic models.

 Man, no doubt, plenty of strange paradoxes, Swift is, however, so far the children as for the adults who were embracing it, the most loveable of everybody.

Ought, frowning, yes, more incredibly tender and irresistibly pleasant; misanthrope and cynical superficially, but with infinity philanthropic in his acts and charitable with the persons; a clergyman conventional outwardly, in fact an spirit deeply religious; hero of a country which considerate pejoratively place of exile ...

 Finally, I have to add that, definitively, such man was the incarnation of the hypocrisy  the wrong way round, with his every good secret and pure qualities.

 Summarising, "Gulliver's Travels" has been one book which has come into the literature as a masterpiece, and  next to its author, who was a majestic writer, constitutes a touching working world-famous.

© Ivan Torrijos Alvarez
Universitat de València Press

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